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Tree (Pruning) Trimming/Shaping

Trimming and Shaping of four conifer trees


Trimming and Shaping of four conifer trees


Willow tree full prune 


Rowan Tree  Crown Reduction

Crown Shaping of 3 Medium Sized Trees

This big job was done in sections; where I completed a tree for each visit per week so the before pictures included the copper beech tree on the right that I already pruned. Overall me  and the customer was very pleased with he outcome of the job. I reduced the crown by over 6 feet. 
Hazlenut Tree Yearly Prune (Crown Shaping)
I have pruned this tree once a year and these photos are from the third yearly prune. 

Lopping and Shaping

of a 24ft Leylandii

I reduced the height by 8 feet and then shaped this leylandii.

Same Leyandii but 4 years later (2020)

water marked 25.jpg

Magnolia Tree crown shaping


Small Eucalyptus Tree Shaping

Olive Tree Shaping

water marked 13.jpg
Large Sycamore Crown Reduction
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